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What Clients Say...

T. F.

“Bridget has such a gentile and caring spirit. God has truly blessed her ability to touch people’s hearts!  I have trouble trusting and opening up to people, but I really felt safe and comfortable with her.  She listens with compassion and no judgement.  She has helped me tremendously with my healing process where deep pain was tucked away.
I can honestly say with her coaching, I have been able to forgive and deal with my past.  Even my husband has noticed my change in attitude and behavior.  He sees I am happier and more able to adjust with things that life brings us.  I am wiser in dealing with people and relationships. You can trust Bridget to help you become a “whole person” in Christ which gives you freedom and Beauty for Ashes.”

D. M.

“In one word, working with Bridget is anointed.  She is a prayerful and grounded coach with a gift for listening to both her client and the Holy Spirit. 
Bridget asks just the right questions! In only a few sessions, I gained clarity on how God is leading me…. I could not have gotten here without her!”

H. C.

“I am grateful I met Bridget and had the opportunity to work with her for a few months.  It was an awesome experience… I was feeling a bit stuck and sometimes when you're "stuck in a box" you don't realize what's written on the outside of the box. 
I appreciated that Bridget (and her coaching methods) are rooted and grounded in Christ.  She prayed for me and guided me in right ways rather than just how the world thinks things should go.  Thank you!”

D. P.

“Bridget, because you have been faithful to your calling,
I am in a better place with Jesus than ever before.”
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